Fire Truck by Andy Shauf

This lyric video is inspired by the song “Fire Truck” by Andy Shauf. In the song, Shauf compares his struggling relationship to a burning house. While recounting a fight with his partner, he finds himself strangely yearning for the fresh start that comes with a house being reduced to ash. Each frame is Risograph printed using a faux CMYK method and many of the images were printed multiple times, to give each frame a unique registration and look.

If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead by James Blake

This lyric video for “If The Car Beside You Moves Ahead” by James Blake was an exploration of the impact that motion can have on the feeling of typography. I wanted to match the appearance of the words on screen to the fast-paced, stuttering sound of the music by having them jump and flash across the frame. This movement contrasts the slow, flowing movement of the background in the same way the lyrics do with the heavy synth instrumentals in the background of the song.

For this animation, I edited frames of stock footage in Photoshop, and then printed each frame on a Risograph printer before scanning them back into a digital format and piecing them together. Throughout this process, I tried to stray from my standard “perfectionist” approach. I embraced any mistakes or registration errors and the final output even celebrates the mess-ups by showing the desired outcome first, and then 3 other misprints.




Mixed Media Art